Genogoods | Elisa, Pcr, Antibodies

Get your Antibodies, Proteins, ELISA, PCr now!

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Genogoods is part of Gentaur. Gentaur and its branches has the longest comparable list of lab reagents and equipment using suppliers short names. We offer a wide range of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies with different hosts. The recombinant proteins and peptides were tested for quality, thus gaining positive reviews from a lot of loyal customers. Also we have antibody ELISA assay test kits that work on indicated samples: serum, plasma, urine or whole blood.

If you clone vectors we have Lenti vectors and TAQ or Pfu polymerase for your pcr test kits. For Immunohistochemistry we offer antibodies, probes, marker, formol replacements. We have the largest collection of antigens for receptors, kinase, various factors, interleukin, apoptosis, TNF alpha, calcium channels, lipoprotein, IL-1 beta homolog. If you do PCR you can use our rna, dna, mirna, micro-rna exosome extraction kits. For flow cytometers you can use our monoclonal best clones of CD4, CD8, stem cell markers and culture medium.

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Product specifics

Browse through the different variety of an exact reagent for the right purpose

Wide-variety of suppliers

Every supplier offers different sensitivity, find your best one

All types of sizes

Small laboratory test or big laboratory test?

PDF Available

A lot of the products have PDF accompanied with them for more detailed information

Qualified Support

Have problems choosing the right reagent? Our support will help you and give you suggestions

Quality delivery

We know how to take care of your temperature-sensitive and refrigerated products

Jump in Genogoods and meet the team

Lieven Gevaert

Bio Engineer, CEO

Viktor Kaytsanov

Junior Full-stack developer

Djoumana Ounas

Pharmacist Assistant Professor